Spiritual Answers for Today’s Questions
A lecture series beginning September 23rd with events occurring through Spring of 2025
Our lectures are designed to embrace our community and shine a light on how to find spiritually-based answers to today’s difficult challenges. You’re warmly invited to attend these free, public talks in Central Illinois given in-person by practitioners of Christian Science.
Our 2024/2025 Winter-Spring Lecture Series
Saturday, January 18th 2025 at 11:00am
Saturday, May 17, 2025 at TBD
Sponsored by
Christian Science Society, Urbana
Sponsored by
Christian Science Society, Bloomington
Our Completed 2024/2025 Winter-Spring Lectures:
Saturday, October 5, 2024 at 11:00am
Saturday, October 19th at 3:00pm
Thursday, October 24, 2024 at 7:00pm
Sponsored by
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Decatur
Sponsored by
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Springfield
Sponsored by
Christian Science Society, Champaign
Each church has their own service times and may be holding services
in-person or remotely. Click on the box to learn more.
Christian Scientists believe in one, infinite God who is All and all-good. We believe that God is not distant and unknowable, but that God is all-encompassing and always present, and that each individual is loved by God, cared for by Him, and made in God’s image—spiritual, not material.
Christian Scientists believe in The Bible and in Christ Jesus as the Son of God, or promised Messiah. We believe that Jesus’ teachings and healing work expressed scientific Christianity, or the application of the laws of God—laws which are still practical and provable today, by anyone, anywhere. Christian Scientists consider the Commandments, as well as Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, to be central to their lives and practice of Christianity.
Christian Scientists believe in the saving, healing power of God’s love—that no one is beyond redemption, that no problem is too entrenched or overwhelming to be addressed and healed. In other words, Christian Scientists don’t believe that salvation occurs at some point in the future, but that the presence of God’s goodness can be experienced here and now—and by everyone.
In 1879, Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer of Christian Science, founded the Church of Christ, Scientist. Her purpose was to establish a church designed, “to commemorate the word and works of our Master, which should reinstate primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing.” (Manual of The Mother Church.)
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