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Thursday, April 8th, 2021 at
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How can you make the world better: Spiritual Discovery
Prayer is about spiritual discovery. It’s about understanding more of what God is and learning to see our lives and the world through the lens of God’s all-good nature. It’s about stripping away surface-level appearances in order to discern what actually IS. Spiritual discovery reveals what is substantial, lasting, and powerful — and this leads to healing. What’s the outcome? Progress. Transformation. Wholeness. For anyone.
Jesus modeled a universal way to pray that leads to a greater awareness of the nature of God and of our relation to God. He showed how turning from fear and preconceived notions to a clearer view of the presence of a God that is Love and Life itself can have a tangible, healing effect in our lives. Bible accounts indicate that others who followed his example and teachings proved this too. Freedom from injustice, hunger, illness, even incurable disease, was gained through discovering more of what God is and does.
Prayer can have a tangible, healing effect today, too. Problems related to our personal history and health as well as issues that trouble entire communities are rooted in misperceptions based on surface-level reasoning. Ultimately, they never change the facts of what’s rooted in the nature of God — what’s genuine, good, and reliable. Prayer that leads to this true viewpoint, one that’s based on spiritual discovery, results in healing.
Does this sound like blind and dumb faith or positive thinking? It’s not—and centuries of tangible, healing experiences help prove the Science of it. Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of this approach to Christianity and healing: Christian Science makes clear the timeless, universal, and repeatable truths that underpin Jesus’ life and teachings. Eddy’s primary work, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, explains Christian Science so that anyone can apply it and experience it for themselves.
Can we better the world? Absolutely. Misperceptions appear on any scale. Just so, the universal truths at the heart of Christian healing are true on any scale. Spiritual views can affect progress for communities just as they do for individuals. We can help the world by discovering what’s true!
Watch Tom’s invitation to you below
This event is sponsored by
Christian Science Society of Bloomington, IL
Who warmly invite you to their Sunday morning service at 10:30 AM
and 1st and 3rd Wednesday evenings at 7:30 PM
1721 E Hamilton Rd Bloomington, IL 61704
Come back here on Thursday, April 8th at 7 PM
to view the lecture live below…
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